The terms OWI and OWVI are used to indicate when a person is operating a vehicle while impaired or visibly impaired by drugs or alcohol.
Detroit, MI – People who drive after using alcohol or drugs put other people in serious risk of harm in Detroit and other cities. Drunk drivers who are caught can be punished through the criminal courts; however, it is also possible that the person will cause a collision and other injuries before anyone notifies law enforcement. The combination of these two types of legal problems can be life changing, as it can affect the person’s ability to drive and find employment in the future because of their record, and they can also be put in a difficult financial situation due to the fact that they have to pay for all of the damage that they cause in an accident.
Attorneys near me can always be consulted for more information about how to handle any accident situation.
Penalties for driving after using drugs or alcohol
Michigan has criminal laws against drunk driving that are similar to most other states around the country. However, the terms OWI and OWVI are used to indicate when a person is operating a vehicle while impaired or visibly impaired by drugs or alcohol. Many other states call these offenses DUI or DWI. A conviction will include penalties such as a driver’s license suspension for several months, community service hours, monetary fines, and the possibility of jail time. Penalties become more severe when the person has prior drunk driving offenses, or if they caused an accident that injured or killed another person. Drunk driving accidents that result in injuries or death are charged as felonies which can land the defendant in jail for years afterward.
Civil accident lawsuits after a drunk driving crash

Detroit DUI accident lawyers have the experience necessary to make a drunk driver who caused an accident pay in civil court as well. This includes filing the initial lawsuit, going through the discovery process to exchange evidence and information, then conclude the case through a trial or settlement negotiations. This case is also decided independently from the criminal charges filed by the government, which means the person does not need to be found guilty in criminal court to be made to pay for the damage they caused through civil court. In most situations, Detroit accident lawyers will have to negotiate a settlement that provides the victim with a sufficient amount to cover things like medical treatment, time away from work and their career, as well as pain and suffering.
More information about drunk driving accidents in Michigan is a service that helps people find legal professionals in their city. Those who need assistance with any of the issues discussed in this article can call 800-672-3103 to get connected with a local attorney.
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