The HCBA YLD is comprised of over 1,000 members who are either younger than 36 years of age or have been practicing law for fewer than five years.
TAMPA, FL— Shumaker lawyer Sean P. Bevil has been elected President of the Hillsborough County Bar Association’s (HCBA) Young Lawyers Division (YLD), where he was sworn in June 15, 2023. Sean will serve a one-year term leading the YLD Board, which promotes professionalism and ethical conduct, provides guidance and support to new lawyers, provides educational opportunities for members, organizes programs and events of interest to young lawyers, and encourages community involvement.
“Sean is an accomplished attorney who works diligently to provide both his clients and peers with excellent counsel and guidance, and his new role as president reaffirms that,” said Jonathan Ellis, Shumaker Partner and Community Associations Business Sector Chair. “We are proud to support him as he begins his new leadership role.”
Sean is a member of the firm’s Litigation and Disputes Service Line, where he focuses on community associations, taking on a wide variety of issues and disputes. As a former prosecutor with significant trial experience and a Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Trial Law, Sean takes a very practical approach to litigation when it comes to efficiently managing a case and tenaciously arguing his client’s issues.
”I am truly grateful for this opportunity to serve the YLD as President in the coming year,” said Sean. “Already, we are hard at work planning a year that is focused on member engagement, legal education, community outreach, and promoting a strong relationship with the local judiciary. I look forward to bringing quality programming to our members and making a positive impact on the young lawyers of Hillsborough County.”
The HCBA YLD is comprised of over 1,000 members who are either younger than 36 years of age or have been practicing law for fewer than five years. Sean has been a member of the YLD Board of Directors since 2020 and a member of the HCBA YLD since 2016.

Founded in 1925, the Shumaker team of more than 300 lawyers and advisors is a premier provider of legal and legislative solutions, focused on being a positive and impactful difference maker for our clients and in the communities we serve.
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