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The Benefits of Having a Car Accident Lawyer on Your Side

— January 28, 2025

Having a lawyer handle a claim on your behalf automatically tells the insurance company that you are taking the situation seriously.

A car accident, whether a minor fender-bender or a part of a massive pile-up, can cause pain, stress, and unmitigated strife in someone’s life. From taking stock of your and your family’s well-being to handling a possible legal process and replacing automobiles, an accident can send your day-to-day life into a tailspin. And as anyone who has ever been in a car accident knows, the window of time right after feels like a daze. 

As such, we must have voices around us to help take care of the fallout. That’s where a car accident lawyer can be a huge help. Despite what it sounds like, a lawyer specializing in car accidents isn’t something Mona Lisa Vito from My Cousin Vinny would pursue a career in (although she would excel in the field). Instead, they are attorneys with expertise in a car accident’s physical and legal ramifications and are in place to assist those involved. 

What to do right after a wreck 

Before you even consider contacting a lawyer, assess your well-being. Even if there aren’t glaring injuries, it is always wise to be evaluated by medical personnel in case of unseen or internal issues. If you or anyone in your party were injured, immediately take care of any emergencies. Anything else can wait. 

Once you and others have cleared yourself of significant injuries, you can begin checking the damage to your car and any other involved cars. Most modern automobiles have an automatic response system, meaning law enforcement will be alerted to a wreck. Even still, it’s always best to call 911 and alert them to the accident’s severity. 

A police report taken at the scene of the accident can also help fortify your claims as the possible legal process begins after the wreck.

Police officer leaning in window of car after accident; image by Matt Chesin, via
Image by Matt Chesin, via

If your accident didn’t seem worthy of calling first responders, you should always exchange insurance information with anyone else involved. This protects you down the road. 

Determining the need for a lawyer 

Once you’ve determined you are physically ok—or have recovered enough to focus on other things—it is time to decide if you need a car accident lawyer. To best make that decision, it helps to know what an attorney working in this field can provide. 

Typically, a car accident lawyer handles some variation of: 

  • Handling insurance claims: Insurance companies, while there for support, are also programmed to protect their interests. That can come at the sacrifice of those they are covering at times. Having a lawyer handle a claim on your behalf automatically tells the insurance company that you are taking the situation seriously. It also lends an experienced voice who can present a claim that best nets you a payout for the car and/or covers subsequent medical costs. 
  • Determining liability: If another car was involved in your accident, they will likely be looking out for their best interest. This means you want to make sure all liability is properly assigned. Liability can affect how insurance is paid out, what is covered, and even legal ramifications. Having the police report from the accident is a huge help, but a car accident lawyer will also lead the charge in determining liability on your behalf. The law group can trace the timeline, gather evidentiary support, and interview witnesses if need be. This can be just as crucial in a one-car accident as well. 
  • Following the statute of limitations: There is often a certain amount of time you will have to file any claims, either with insurance or local law enforcement. While you are focusing on countless other things that were a part of your accident, this statute of limitations can easily slip by the wayside. It is a lawyer’s job, though, to not only know those timelines but make sure they are followed on your behalf. 

With those things in mind, it’s a good idea to have a car accident lawyer on your side if you are unfamiliar with your rights about the insurance company and/or other involved drivers, if the other driver files a claim or reassigns blame after the fact, or if an injury arises after the fact. Having an experienced voice in the room who knows the law and can handle negotiations with the insurance company can be the difference between an easy process that helps you get your life back in order as soon as possible or a long, tedious journey that brings on more pain and headaches than the accident itself. 

There are also some situations where a lawyer might not be necessary. If the accident was a mere fender-bender, there were no injuries, or the claim reward is less than potential attorney costs, hiring a lawyer might not be in your best interest. 

Finding the right lawyer for you 

If you’ve just been in a car accident, chances are everything is going to seem hazy and overwhelming. This is when some lawyers swoop in and try to take advantage of a situation. Make sure that when choosing a car accident lawyer, you find one that is the right fit for you and your situation. A few things to consider would be finding someone: 

  • Geographically close to you: Your lawyer can be an essential figure in your life following a wreck. Having someone in your area will allow for more face-to-face meetings when necessary and someone with boots on the ground for any essential investigations related to the accident. 
  • With a resume of expertise: While your lawyer might not need decades of experience—some of the best can be young—having someone who is at least knowledgeable, and ideally with some experience, in the type of case you are facing can be crucial. This means they are familiar with the precedent and understand the best action to provide you with the best outcome. 

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