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7 Common Motorcycle Myths

— July 12, 2023

Motorcycle myths make for amazing stories, but they should remain just that; myths.

Riding your two-wheeler is a thrilling experience, but it can also be dangerous. Motorcycles are less stable, less visible, and offer less protection than a car, so motorcycle safety should always be your top priority while riding.   

However, riders like to talk a lot, and sometimes these stories involve repeating dangerous myths about riding. Sadly, some misconceptions can put you at higher safety risk; thus, it’s usually best to do your due diligence to determine whether the information is logical. Here are the seven most common myths about motorcycles.

  1. Most motorcycle accidents are caused by car drivers

Most drivers you see on the road are heavy-eyed, short-sighted, and ignorant. However, they at least tend to follow a specific pattern of behavior known as “The Highway Code.” Most drivers follow it unwaveringly, so finding a way around them on your adept bike is easy. The only problem is when they stop behaving in an orderly manner and become rogue. This makes them hard to predict, which may lead to a fatal motorcycle accident.

In most states, the driver at fault for the accident is liable to pay for accident-related losses and injuries. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, contact a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer immediately after the crash. A lawyer will help you understand the available legal options and assist you in getting full compensation for your injury-related losses.   

  1. Helmets increase the chances of spinal injuries

Another myth from the anti-helmet crowd is that wearing a helmet can increase the likelihood of suffering from spinal injuries. While this fairy tale was debunked over ten years ago, you will still hear it occasionally from anti-helmet legal advocates.

Nevertheless, according to research, motorcyclists who put on their helmets have reduced chances of getting a spine injury or traumatic brain injury than riders who don’t. This myth has long been proven false by many medical studies, but it’s still somewhat common within the motorcycle-riding community.

  1. Racing tires are safer

While this myth is somewhat true, especially on a race track or in a competitive race, it’s otherwise absolutely false. Racing tires are made with different materials, using disparate technology for different purposes. They are designed for the harsh conditions of a race and come with unique racing properties. Motorcycle racing tires are the best and safest options for riders not on the racetrack.

  1. Loud pipes save lives

Valid, a loud pipe can save a life in a few situations. An example is when you are right next to a driver about to change lanes, and their window is down. Making full-time noise could help a driver notice you.

However, that noise doesn’t do much more in most cases and could be dangerously distracting. Most drivers in the cars in front of a bike also have little or no chance of hearing you if the pipes’ openings are facing rearwards. A better move is to turn to a loud jacket or a bright helmet color. You can also install a loud horn that generates all the noise you want when you need it.

  1. Streets are safer than highways

    Motorcycle going down empty road; image by Yamabon, via
    Motorcycle going down empty road; image by Yamabon, via

Since residential roads and city streets have lower speeds than highways, most motorcyclists believe streets are safer. However, streets pose the risk of intersection accidents, the most common cause of motorcyclists injuries and deaths.  

Everyone travels in the same direction on highways, so a driver can’t pop out unexpectedly like on side streets. There are also fewer roadside obstacles and no pedestrians to hit on highways. These aspects make highways safer to ride than streets despite the increased speeds.

  1. It’s safe to ride a motorcycle when your BAC is below 0.08%

While riding with blood alcohol content (BAC) below 0.08% could save you from DUI charges, you might still get involved in a road accident. Controlling a two-wheeler is more difficult than driving a car, as riding a motorcycle requires balance, coordination, and good judgment. Even a small amount of alcohol in your bloodstream can affect these abilities.

  1. All riding gear is hot and uncomfortable

Imperforated leather gear can be unbearably hot during the summer, especially in traffic. The best solution is to wear perforated leather gear in the summer. Fortunately, there are many classic gear alternatives explicitly designed for riding in hot weather and summer months.

There are ceramic-infused super fabric gear, cool suits, cooling under armor and scarves, and even vented options. While sitting in traffic on top of a hot bike in full safety gear can be quite uncomfortable, it’s thousands of times better than lying in a hospital bed covered in blankets.  


Motorcycle myths make for amazing stories, but they should remain just that; myths. Sharing common misconceptions or having the wrong information about motorcycles can be a serious safety hazard.

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