Fear Over Salmonella Contamination Results In Recalls

Over the last couple of weeks, there have been recalls on a wide assortment of food products for fear of salmonella contamination. The source of the contamination? Powdered milk products from Valley Milk Products LLC in Strasburg, VA. So far recalls have been issued for everything from macaroni and cheese and frozen cream puffs, to

Power of People to Protect People

Protecting the People – Safety and Happiness
The Declaration of Independence gave the American people the powers to protect our “safety and happiness”. In this piece, we look at the power of people to protect people.

Milk By Any Other Name

The dairy industry has been having a rough time of late. Milk prices have dropped 40% since 2014, causing a bit of a panic among dairy farmers. Meanwhile, sales of dairy alternatives such as soymilk have been soaring. As a result, there’s a bipartisan effort to address the definition of the word “milk,” as if

Innovation in Banking Could Help or Hurt

There is speculation in the financial technology (fintech) industry that the deregulatory atmosphere embraced by the incoming Trump administration will allow for an upswell of innovative new products. But will innovation in banking be a curse or a boon for the underbanked among us, who both stand to gain from new products and yet have

Uber’s God View is a Threat to Privacy

In recent weeks, whistleblowers revealed that “sharing economy” giant and somehow-not-a-taxi taxi service Uber may have been less than honorable concerning their pledge to stop tracking their customers when there wasn’t a valid business reason to do so. The story begins two years ago, when Uber executives allegedly abused the company’s God View feature, which

A Middle Class Tragedy of the Commons

The classic definition of the tragedy of the commons involves the mismanagement of a shared resource. Individuals are said to act in pure self-interest by grabbing as much of the shared resource as they can, in order to privately profit at the expense of the collective wealth. The tragedy is that this resource, if properly managed

Wide, Closed Spaces Begging for Rebirth

The recent tragic fire that engulfed Oakland’s Ghost Ship warehouse / artist space / underground residence, killing at least 36 people, is sparking a conversation about why so many people were living there in the first place. One obvious answer is that young artists that are struggling to get by can’t afford the exorbitant rents

Consumer Review Fairness Act Set to Pass

In a heartening example of government defending the interests of individual citizens over those of predatory businesses, a bipartisan bill that protects consumers who write negative reviews has been passed by unanimous consent by the Senate and is now awaiting President Obama’s signature. The Consumer Review Fairness Act, which was introduced in 2014, was sponsored

Power of Presidents to Protect People

Ralph Nader recently said of the election of Trump: “This could be the most serious event in American political history.” (1) In this piece, we look at the power of Presidents to protect people. Ralph Nader is probably the most knowledgeable person on the subject of safety and his views have proven trustworthy. In his

NE Debt Collector Settles Class Action Suit for Six Figures

A class action lawsuit filed against Nebraska-based debt collector Credit Management Services has been settled out of court for $198,000. The suit was filed by Nichole and Jason Palmer and Laura Powers in 2011, and accused the debt collection agency of having violated federal law by claiming they could collect attorney’s fees and interest from