Why Aren’t Patients Paying Their Hospital Bills?

According to recent studies, including one from “TransUnion, a company that helps hospitals collect unpaid bills,” more and more people are failing to pay off their entire hospital bills. In fact, according to TransUnion, “more than two-thirds of patients aren’t paying” off their bills, “and that number could increase to 95 percent by 2020.”

Franciscan Health Agrees to $15M Settlement in Medical Malpractice Case

When many parents head to the hospital for the birth of a child, they do so with the expectation that they will be leaving with a happy, healthy, bouncing baby. The last thing on their minds is that the hospital staff will make a life changing mistake. This was the unfortunate reality for one Sauk Village family. Fortunately, a settlement has finally been reached between the family of Nyelle Brown and Franciscan St. James Health in Chicago Heights. The case settled for $15 million and was the result of a medical malpractice lawsuit filed against the health center back in 2013 in response to the severe brain damage Nyelle suffered during her birth in January 2011.