Baby Formula Packaging Defects Result In Whistleblower Lawsuit

Baby formula is a basic necessity for babies all over the world, so the last thing parents should have to worry about is whether or not the formula they’re feeding their babies is safe. Unfortunately, a recent whistleblower lawsuit against Mead Johnson, whose “Enfa family of brands includes Enfamil infant formula” has shed some light on alleged packaging defects that could be leaving the company’s 8-ounce ready-to-use formula “vulnerable to spoilage.”

Lawsuit Filed Against Ohio Clinic for Falsely Diagnosing Dozens With Alzheimer’s

It’s every patient’s worst nightmare — being given a diagnosis that will have devastating effects on yourself and your family. Unfortunately for more than 50 people who visited a memory-loss center in Ohio, this is what happened when the center told them that they had Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia. The kicker was, many diagnoses the center issued were false. Fortunately, the clinic is closed now, but that hasn’t stopped patients like Shawn Blazsek from speaking out and seeking justice for the lies he was told.

Circuit Court Strikes Down Trump’s Travel Ban

The 9th Circuit Court ruled against the travel ban in a decision that’s already begun to ruffle feathers in Washington. The ruling, which was announced on Thursday, referenced a slew of past cases and rendered opinions on the merits of any possible appeal. The judges responsible for upholding the revocation of the travel ban cited

Students Are Being Squeezed By Debt Unfairly

Education is an expensive investment. Beginning in the first quarter of 2010, student debt began to eclipse the amount Americans owed on credit cards nationwide. Recent moves on the part of the Trump Administration indicate that trouble could be brewing for people who couldn’t finance their degrees out of pocket. Companies which collect on behalf

Judgment Against the NCAA Entitles Athletes to a Payday

A judgment against the NCAA entitles athletes to a payday to potentially worth thousands of dollars each. The award is part of a larger antitrust lawsuit which claims the organization had shorted its student athletes on scholarships. Before making changes to cost-of-attendance scholarships, the NCAA had only given its athletes money to cover tuition, books,

Did President Trump Just Settle Another Lawsuit? Looks Like It.

A quick glance at the news at any given notice reveals that our newly elected President is neck deep in lawsuits, especially since his travel ban was introduced. During the last few weeks we’ve seen him settle a few of them, and it would seem that his campaign has settled another one related to the campaign’s use of mass text messaging during the election. You heard that correctly, mass text messaging. It would seem the Trump campaign didn’t only use to Twitter.