63,000 Motorized Infant Seats Recalled Over Fire Hazard Concerns

A recall was issued yesterday for more than 63,000 Fisher-Price “motorized infant seats after receiving 36 reports of the product overheating and one report of a fire starting in the seat’s motor housing.” While there have been no injuries reported so far, Fisher-Price isn’t taking any chances, and decided to issue a “fast track” recall of the product, “meaning that the company is committed to working with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to remove the recalled product as quickly as possible.”

“Underwear Bomber” Sues Government Over Civil Rights Abuses

The would-be terrorist now known as the “Underwear Bomber” is claiming that a federal prison in Colorado is violating his constitutional rights. In a lawsuit filed last week, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallah claimed to be the victim of discrimination and psychological abuse. The failed terrorist said facilities at Florence Supermax in Colorado were forcing him to

Daughter of Paul Walker Settles Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Porsche

Many of us remember Paul Walker for his entertaining movies, especially the Fast and Furious franchise. Others, like his daughter, remember him in a different light – as a loving father who left this world too soon. The actor’s tragic death nearly four years ago shocked the world after he passed away in a car accident. He had been riding as a passenger in a “Porsche Carrera GT while his friend, Roger Rodas, was driving.” Shortly after his death, though, his daughter, Meadow Walker, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Porsche, alleging that the “history of instability and control issues by the car, more specifically her father being trapped by a faulty seat belt, is what led Paul to burn alive.” Fortunately for Miss Walker, the lawsuit was settled on October 16th.

Lawsuit Filed After Mistaken Diagnosis Results in Unnecessary Mastectomy, Hysterectomy

After being told by doctors that she carried cancer-causing genes based on genetic tests, Elisha Cooke-Moore, a 36-year-old mother from southern Oregon, underwent a “double mastectomy and a hysterectomy.” Unfortunately for Moore, after the life-altering procedures, it was discovered that her doctors had made a mistake in reading the genetic test results. Turns out she didn’t really have cancer-causing genes, but it was too late. As a result, she decided to file a $1.8 million lawsuit.

Lawsuit Filed After Neurologist Sexually Exploits, Assaults Female Patient

When most people visit their doctor for a procedure or consultation, they do so with the expectation that they’ll be respected as a person. Few, if any, worry about being put in a situation where a doctor might take advantage of them in any way. Unfortunately for one woman, this was her reality when she visited her neurologist in Wichita Falls. According to the woman, Dr. Daalon Braunde Echols “sexually exploited and assaulted her while she was his patient.” She has since filed a lawsuit against him.

Consultants File Lawsuit Against LuLaRoe, Calling it a Pyramid Scheme

Have you heard of LuLaRoe? It’s company popular for it’s “vibrant print leggings and affordable casual wear.” Unfortunately, it’s in a spot of legal trouble. It turns out a class-action lawsuit has been filed against the company, labeling it as a pyramid scheme. The lawsuit itself is being taken on by the same lawyer who just won a “$25 million settlement against Trump University for charges related to fraudulent business practices,” Amber Eck. She will represent four named plaintiff’s and “thousands of consultants” across the country. The lawsuit alleges “six charges of unlawful, fraudulent, and unfair business practices, advertising, and breach of contract under California law.”