The stain on your reputation can create uneasiness with your neighbors and coworkers, while the feelings of embarrassment and shame can make relationships with family and relatives very rocky.
Driving under the influence (DUI) is unarguably the most common criminal offense in America. According to, more than one million people were arrested on DUI charges in 2016. While everyone is aware of the immediate consequences of a DUI conviction, such as the temporary suspension of the driving license, fees and fines, community service ordered by the court, or even time in jail, not many know that the effects can linger on for a very long time even after you have fulfilled your legal obligations.
Some of the typical long-term impacts of a DUI conviction:
Revocation of the Driver’s License
Depending on the circumstances of the case, it is possible that even if it is your first offense, your driver’s license can be revoked for up to two years. This will not only make your life a lot more inconvenient, but also make it difficult to reach your workplace or even hold on to your job if you need to drive to perform your duties. The feeling of frustration can result in stress and impact your job performance, too. If you cannot drive, simple things like taking your kids to school or going out with the family can become challenging.
A Blot on Your Record
With a DUI on your record, it can be difficult to get approvals for various things like college admission and even your application for scholarships or financial aid may get rejected. Getting a loan to buy a house or even renting accommodation can prove more difficult with the DUI conviction in your records. More seriously, if you are in the job market, the conviction can spoil your chances of getting a good job.

Severe Impact on Your Employment
A DIU charge and conviction can often lead to endless time being spent in consultation with your DUI Lawyer, in the court, in community service, and even in jail. This can be very disruptive to your normal work schedule and your employer may be disinclined to give you enough time off. Since most employers are not comfortable with persons having DUI convictions on their records, they will tend to be stricter with you and your growth prospects could easily be hampered. Jobs that involve driving company vehicles will also not be available to you.
Rocketing Insurance Premiums
When you are convicted of a DUI, you are automatically classified as “high-risk” and you will find that the premium you have to pay on the car insurance has increased significantly even if the insurance company does not terminate the coverage. This leads to unnecessary expenses and a lot of harassment of finding an insurance company that is ready to provide coverage.
In addition to the above-mentioned impacts, a DUI arrest, not to speak of a conviction, can adversely affect your professional and personal relationships. The stain on your reputation can create uneasiness with your neighbors and coworkers, while the feelings of embarrassment and shame can make relationships with family and relatives very rocky. While it is natural for you to be sensitive about the conviction, their endless curiosity about it can create a friction that can permanently damage your relationships.
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