Latest Data Hack Compromises Card Data of 5M Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor Customers

Another data hack has occurred, this time compromising sensitive credit card data of more than five million customers who shopped at Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor. According to Gemini Advisory, the cybersecurity research firm that identified the recent hack, the incident was orchestrated by a “well-known ring of Russian-speaking hackers known as Fin7 or JokerStash.” The research firm also said that the stolen information “appears to have been taken using software that was implanted into the cash register systems at the stores and that siphoned card numbers until last month.”

FTC & NY AG Put Kibosh on Deceptive Debt Collectors

On March 22nd, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and New York Attorney General Eric Shneiderman (D) announced final orders to permanently ban debt collectors 4 Star Resolution, LLC [also known as Four Star Resolution LLC], six affiliated companies, and three individual defendants from the debt collection industry.

Why is the Number of Wrongful Death Cases by Car Accidents Increasing?

According to the National Safety Council, an American is killed every three minutes by a preventable accident—most often a vehicle accident, followed by drug overdoses, falls and drownings. In 2016, a person’s chances of dying in a motor vehicle accident were 1 in 102, which means that as deaths from auto accidents increase, so do wrongful death cases.