7 Ways to Overcome Challenges in Today’s Hectic World

Everyone faces challenges in life. Whatever those challenges, overcoming them can be a matter of simply rising to meet and then surmounting them. For some, however, the ability to rise to the occasion and defeat life’s difficulties does not come as naturally as it does to others. For those individuals, they may need more than just the inspiring words of “Rise to the occasion!” While helpful and positive, they simply might not know how to do such a thing.

Study Finds More and More Patients Paying High Out-of-Pocket Fees for Imaging Services

A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology suggests that “patients with private health insurance often face high out-of-pocket fees for advanced imaging.” The findings of the study were discovered after researchers examined “government data on out-of-pocket cost for imaging and other essential health services for 18,429 plans available in the U.S. private insurance marketplace last year.” Why are patients with private insurance allegedly paying more, though? How much more are they paying than other patients?