Family Has Yet To See Money Since $17 Million Malpractice Verdict

Nebraska made history when it handed down the largest malpractice verdict in the state’s history that should have resulted in an injured young girl receiving $17 million to pay for the professional care she will need for the rest of her life. However, a year and a half has gone by since the verdict and not a dime has been paid so far. So what’s the holdup?

Texas Reinstates Law Against Harboring Illegal Immigrants

An appeals court in Texas reinstated a law which criminalized harboring illegal immigrants. The law had been pending since 2015, when it was passed by the state senate. A federal judge had issued an injunction against the law after two San Antonio landlords and their counsel filed a suit. The two men, backed by the

Supreme Court Sided with 13-Year Old Girl and Her Dog

The United States Supreme Court sided with a 13-year old girl with cerebral palsy in her legal battle to bring a service dog named Wonder to class. Ehlena Fry and her family had filed a lawsuit against her school district after they were told Wonder wasn’t welcome on campus. Lower courts in their home state