Racial References in Hit Movie ‘Sing’

The criminal connection of the aspiring gorilla rapper in ‘Sing’ is viewed by some a typical representation of an African American artist trying to make it big but caught up in a web of dirty deeds, and the movie has been ripped apart on social media.

Review Panels for Medical Malpractice Claims?

Last week we discussed tort reform and Republican plans to overhaul the Affordable Care Act. A part of their plans may include a controversial proposal led by Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), who has recently been nominated by President-elect Donald Trump to become the top health official in the nation. His controversial proposal would fund “state-run

New York To Debate Statute Of Limitations On Sex Crimes

When it comes to sex crimes, a vast majority of them go unreported. Unfortunately, those that are reported rarely result in justice. In fact, in a report conducted by the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault, of the few sexual assaults that are reported each year, only about “9% of rapists get prosecuted. Alarmingly, only 5%

Good Rules Save People From Themselves

A new passel of labor laws enacted in France made news for one controversial, pro-labor provision. As of January, French companies with more than 50 employees must insure ensure the ability to disconnect after work. For at least 11 contiguous hours, workers must be able to unwind as they choose, free from job-related interruptions. Studies

“Repeal…and Replace?” More like Repeal and Wait

The days of Obamacare are limited, but what will be the alternative? The GOP is attempting to move swiftly to eliminate marketplace plans, but an immediate replacement can’t be guaranteed, leaving millions of Americans and their insurance companies scrambling to figure out what the options are. “Repeal…and Replace?” More like repeal and wait.

Feel Good Friday: Michigan Firm Making Giving Back a Priority

“Our attorneys have been protecting people seriously injured in automobile accidents throughout Michigan for more than 50 years. It’s also our mission to help those in need, to give back to our communities, and to help make Michigan a better and safer place.” This is from the website of Michigan Auto Law, a Michigan firm making giving back a priority, which is why they’re featured in this week’s Feel Good Friday post.

Trump Deposed In Legal Battle Against Chef José Andrés

In a little over two weeks from now, President-elect Donald Trump will officially become our next President. However, his new position as our Commander-in-Chief won’t slow down the handful of lawsuits he’s dealing with on the side, such as the one he’s tangled in right now with D.C. restaurateur and celebrity chef, José Andrés. The

Cooperation Helps Achieve Goals Together

We live in a mightily individualistic society, don’t we? Our capitalist culture values self-made people who pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, needing no one. Our fear of scarcity makes us afraid that someone else will run off with our hard-earned stuff. Go into any coffee bar and you’ll see that every man is an

Republicans Consider Tort Reform In ACA Overhaul

Since Trump’s election, there has been a lot of talk from Republicans about repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and implementing a plan of their own with tort reform. But why tort reform? Well, many GOP leaders, including Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan and HHS Secretary-designate Tom Price (R-GA) believe there is a medical malpractice