School District Settles Lawsuit Amid Allegations that School Nurse Abused Student

After four years of being abused by a school nurse assigned to care for him, a severely disabled boy and his family recently agreed to a settlement over a lawsuit they had filed against the Easton Area School District and Colonial Intermediate Unit 20. According to the lawsuit, the nurse often came to “work drunk and abused him for four years before teachers reported their concerns to child welfare officials.” As part of the settlement, the school district and IU “were ordered to pay a total of $150,000, as well as pay for the student’s tuition at the Royer-Greaves School for Blind in Paoli, Chester County.”

Family of Gregory Vaughn Hill Jr. Seeks Justice After Sheriff’s Deputies Penalized $4 in Controversial Killing

Some four and a half years ago, Florida sheriff’s deputies showed up to the home of Gregory Vaughn Hill Jr. The African-American father of three was a man with an imperfect past. He had several traffic violations on his record—serious violations, according to The New York Times—and had been drinking long before law enforcement arrived.

Jury Sides with Children’s Care Hospital and School in Negligence Lawsuit

Back in 2010, the Children’s Care Hospital and School in Sioux Falls was accused by a family of “improperly restraining an autistic student.” As a result, the family of the student, a boy named Ben, filed a lawsuit against the school “for damages they claim the facility caused their son Ben while he was a full-time resident there for about seven months in 2010.” According to the family, Ben suffered lasting emotional distress and negligence. However, earlier today a jury ruled that the children’s hospital and school was not “negligent in its care and did not cause the student lasting emotional distress.”