The Power of Good; A Period Piece

In the US today, 40 of the 50 states have what has been termed the “tampon tax.” Women in these states pay sales tax on feminine hygiene products, which have been described as “luxury” items, whereas things like food and medicine are considered “necessities.” Oh, and in some states, Viagra. Viagra is considered a “necessity.”

Planned Obsolescence: The Way Back

Recently, I posted about the problem of planned obsolescence, and how industry profits mightily by creating products with shorter than necessary lifespans in order to drum up repeat business. On one hand, this practice creates jobs for people who keep producing the items people need as the old ones wear out. On the other hand,

FDA Food Recall System is Broken

In June, 2016, the Inspector General, Daniel R. Levinson, notified Robert M. Califf, M.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Food and Drug Administration, FDA, that, as a result of an ongoing audit his office was conducting, it was found that the method that the FDA used to initiate a food recall was inefficient and ineffective.

Planned Obsolescence: A double-edged sword

The modern consumer economy is a thing of wonder, isn’t it? We don’t just have iPhones, we have brand new models of iPhones every couple years. We don’t just have two linen shirts to wear anymore, we have new lines of fashion twice (or more) annually and most clothes are so cheap, it doesn’t matter

Increasing University Student Employee Wages: Why and How

Universities across America are often seen as a hot bed for progressive and liberal ideas. With an increasing demand on the left for higher minimum wages it appears universities have turned a blind eye on student workers. The irony is universities seem to support liberalism so long as it does not involve increasing student payroll.

New Age Multi-Level Marketing or Old School Exploitation?

Multi-Level marketing has spread like wild fire across social media. The target market, young adults, are being enticed through the potential of large cash earnings with little to no education required before joining the programs. Through this article I will take an objective approach to these corporations in an attempt to shed light on whether

The Elephant in Our Cities: Urban Gentrification

One of the most disturbing trends not just in the American legal system but in our culture is the lack of priority we place on issues impacting the economically disadvantaged within our society. One example of this is seen in our media. Seldom does one hear about the terrorist attack that occurred in Africa on

Rear Seat Danger Ignored by NHTSA

Imagine replacing your car seats with lawn chairs. Or cardboard. How safe would those changes be if you were in a rear-end crash? Safe enough according to the federal government! Rear Seat Danger Ignored by NHTSA.

Strict Product Liability

Arkansas has long followed the Restatement (Second) of Torts Section 402A (1965) which provides that in order for a plaintiff to recover for harm or injury caused by a defective product, the product must be sold “in a defective condition” and be unreasonably dangerous to a consumer. What this means is that as a consumer, you

Breach of Warranty

When a seller makes a promise to a buyer there are implications if the seller breaks that promise. Breach of warranty is a possible remedy for a buyer if a broken promise has caused them harm.